Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Rankin, Adam

Pacifist priest spreads message Adam Rankin - Albuquerque, New Mexico Journal North January 4, 2004 - 2 p. Newspaper Article

Master list item #: 23

File location is in the Raton File Cabinet

Newspaper article on the controversial Priest, Father John Dear and his message of peace and protests against war. A Priest that has been arrested more the 75 times for his acts of civil disobedience.

Dear, John
Sheehan, Michael J.
Berrigan, Philip
Bush, George
Cheney, Dick
Paul, John II
Hascall, Neva
Germscheid, Cindy
Carney, John
Rael, Richard
Lalley, Kim

Los Alamos National Laboratory
National Guard
St. Mel's Catholic Church
Catholic Church
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
New Mexico Boy's School
Kirkland Air Force base
The Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Community

Local History
Life and Customs

Cimarron, New Mexico
Eagle Nest, New Mexico
North Carolina
Washington, D.C.
Maxwell, New Mexico
Springer, New Mexico
Angel Fire, New Mexico
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Espanola, New Mexico
Questa, New Mexico
Los Alamos, New Mexico

New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Churches 36