Saulsbury, Camilla V. frey50
The ultimate cake mix cookie book : more than 375 delectable cookie recipes that begin with a box of cake mix / Print Cake mix cookie book Camilla V. Saulsbury. - 2nd ed. - Naperville, Ill. : Cumberland House, c2011. - 358 p. ; 23 cm. Paperback book.
Includes indexes. Rev. ed. of: Cake mix cookies / Camilla V. Saulsbury. c2005.
In "The Ulitmate Cake Mix Cookie Book" you will find that the secret to some of the tastitest, easiest and most irresistible cookies begins with a convenient box of cake mix. With a few extra ingredients, turns of a spoon and whirs of a mixer, a simple box of cake mix can transform anyone into a prize cookie baker.
9781402261886 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1402261888 (pbk. : alk. paper)
641.8654 Sau 12
The ultimate cake mix cookie book : more than 375 delectable cookie recipes that begin with a box of cake mix / Print Cake mix cookie book Camilla V. Saulsbury. - 2nd ed. - Naperville, Ill. : Cumberland House, c2011. - 358 p. ; 23 cm. Paperback book.
Includes indexes. Rev. ed. of: Cake mix cookies / Camilla V. Saulsbury. c2005.
In "The Ulitmate Cake Mix Cookie Book" you will find that the secret to some of the tastitest, easiest and most irresistible cookies begins with a convenient box of cake mix. With a few extra ingredients, turns of a spoon and whirs of a mixer, a simple box of cake mix can transform anyone into a prize cookie baker.
9781402261886 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1402261888 (pbk. : alk. paper)
641.8654 Sau 12