Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Stixrud, William R.

Self-driven child : the science and sense of giving your kids more control over their lives The self-driven child William Stixrud, PhD, and Ned Johnson - New York, New York Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC 2018 - viii, 367 pages 24 cm Print

Includes bibliographical references (pages 327-351) and index.

Why a sense of control is such a big deal -- The most stressful thing in the universe -- "I love you too much to fight with you about your homework": the parent as consultant -- "It's your call": kids as decision makers -- The nonanxious presence: how to help your kids find a sense of control by finding your own -- Inner drive: how to help[ your kids develop motivation -- Radical downtime -- Sleep: the most radical downtime -- Taking a sense of control to school -- Wired 24/7: taming the beast of technology -- Exercising the brain and body -- Navigating learning disabilities, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorders -- The SAT, ACT, and other four-letter words -- Who's ready for college? -- Alternate routes -- Onward.

A clinical psychologist and a test-prep expert combine cutting-edge brain science with insights from their work with families to outline a case for giving children more freedom to unleash their full potential.

9780735222519 0735222517


Achievement motivation in children.
Stress management for children.
Self-reliance in children.
Child rearing.
Education--Parent Participation
Education--Educational Psychology

BF723.M56 / S75 2018

155.4138 Sti 7