Sturgell, Todd
Dinosaurs in space Todd Sturgell - Naperville, Illinois Sourcebooks eXplore, an imprint of Sourcebooks Kids 2024 - 1 voume (unpaged) color illustrations ; 23 x 29 cm
Dinosaur fossils are found all over the world...and even on the moon?! Dinosaurs lived on this planet millions of years ago. We know about the dinosaurs from the fossils they left behind. But did you know some of those fossils might be on the moon? The dinosaurs in THIS book think that must mean there are Dinosaurs in Space! But is that really what happened? In this silly science lesson gone wrong, discover what happens when dinosaurs let their imaginations run wild while learning about real scientific theories. These dinos are determined to boldly go where no dinosaur has gone before: space!
9781728236278 1728236274
Dinosaurs--Juvenile fiction.
Fossils--Juvenile fiction.
Moon--Juvenile fiction.
jStu 16
Dinosaurs in space Todd Sturgell - Naperville, Illinois Sourcebooks eXplore, an imprint of Sourcebooks Kids 2024 - 1 voume (unpaged) color illustrations ; 23 x 29 cm
Dinosaur fossils are found all over the world...and even on the moon?! Dinosaurs lived on this planet millions of years ago. We know about the dinosaurs from the fossils they left behind. But did you know some of those fossils might be on the moon? The dinosaurs in THIS book think that must mean there are Dinosaurs in Space! But is that really what happened? In this silly science lesson gone wrong, discover what happens when dinosaurs let their imaginations run wild while learning about real scientific theories. These dinos are determined to boldly go where no dinosaur has gone before: space!
9781728236278 1728236274
Dinosaurs--Juvenile fiction.
Fossils--Juvenile fiction.
Moon--Juvenile fiction.
jStu 16