Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Sublette, James E.

Fishes of New Mexico The fishes of New Mexico James E. Sublette, Michael D. Hatch and Mary F. Sublette - Albuquerque, New Mexico Univ. of N.M. Press 1980 - 393 p

Publisher's original two color original cloth (orange and black), spine is lettered in gilt, color pictorial dust jacket, 4to. "One hundred and ten species accounts detail distinguishing characteristics, biology distribution, ecology, and current status. Maps illustrating the historic and present status accompany most accounts. In addition to a line drawing of the full lateral view of each fish, forty-four color drawings facilitate recognition of common as well as some rare and endangered species. Readers are aided in distinguishing species by taxonomic keys and numerous electron photomicrographs of unique head and mouth features." No ownership marks and no signs of use.

9780826311795 0826311792

Fishes --Classification--New Mexico

New Mexico

597 Sub 44