Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. World travel atlas 1997-1998   Publication: England : Columbus Press, 1997 . vii, 160 p, T1-T16 : , Includes index. 30 cm. Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: [912 Wor] (1),
2. Weapons of World War II by Taylor, Mike Publication: Edina, MN : Abdo & Daughters, 1998 . 32 p. : , Includes index. 26 cm. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: [j623.409044 Tay] (1),
3. Great battles of World War II by Taylor, Mike Publication: Edina, Minnesota Abdo & Daughters 1998 . p. 32 , Includes index Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [j940.53 Tay] (1),
4. Generals of World War II by Taylor, Mike Publication: Edina, Minnesota ABDO publishing 1998 . p. 32 , Includes index. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: [j940.53092 Tay] (1),
5. Leaders of World War II by Taylor, Mike Publication: Edina, Minnesota ABDO & Daughters 1998 . 32 p. , Includes index 26 cm. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: [j940.53 Tay] (1),
6. Navies of World War II by Taylor, Mike Publication: Minneapolis ABDO publishing 1998 . p. 32 , Includes index Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: [j940.53 Tay] (1),
7. Air forces of World War II by Taylor, Mike Publication: Edina, Minn. Abdo & Daughters 1998 . 32 p. , Includes index 26 cm. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: [j940.5449 Tay] (1),