Tittel, Ed
HTML 4 for dummies electronic resource Ed Tittel and Mary C. Burmeister - 5th ed. - Hoboken, NJ Wiley Pub., c2005. - xviii, 407 p. ill. ; 24 cm. - For dummies .
Introduction -- pt. I. Getting to know (X)HTML -- 1. The least you need to know about HTML and the Web -- 2. Creating and viewing a Web page -- 3. Proper planning prevents poor page performance -- pt. II. Formatting Web pages with (X)HTML -- 4. Creating (X)HTML document structure -- 5. Text and lists -- 6. Linking to online resources -- 7. Finding and using images -- pt. III. Taking precise control over Web pages -- 8. Introducing cascading style sheets -- 9. Using cascading style sheets -- 10. Getting creative with colors and fonts -- 11. Using tables for stunning pages -- pt. IV. Integrating scripts with HTML -- 12. Scripting Web pages -- 13. The nuts and bolts of JavaScript -- 14. Working with forms -- 15. Fun with client-side scripts -- pt. V. HTML projects -- 16. The about me page -- 17. The eBay auction page -- 18. A company site -- 19. A product catalog -- pt. VI. The part of tens -- 20. Ten cool HTML tools -- 21. Ten HTML do's and don'ts -- 22. Ten ways to exterminate Web bugs -- pt. VII. Appendixes -- Appendix A. Deprecated (X)HTML elements and attributes -- Appendix B. Shorthand and aural CSS properties -- Appendix C. Glossary.
A guide to the Web authoring process demonstrates how to use HTML to create and maintain Web pages while discussing Web design, tables, forms, style sheets, and navigation aids
0764599232 (electronic bk. : Adobe Reader) 9780764599231 (electronic bk. : Adobe Reader) 0764589172 9780764589171
HTML (Document markup language)
006.74 Tit 6
HTML 4 for dummies electronic resource Ed Tittel and Mary C. Burmeister - 5th ed. - Hoboken, NJ Wiley Pub., c2005. - xviii, 407 p. ill. ; 24 cm. - For dummies .
Introduction -- pt. I. Getting to know (X)HTML -- 1. The least you need to know about HTML and the Web -- 2. Creating and viewing a Web page -- 3. Proper planning prevents poor page performance -- pt. II. Formatting Web pages with (X)HTML -- 4. Creating (X)HTML document structure -- 5. Text and lists -- 6. Linking to online resources -- 7. Finding and using images -- pt. III. Taking precise control over Web pages -- 8. Introducing cascading style sheets -- 9. Using cascading style sheets -- 10. Getting creative with colors and fonts -- 11. Using tables for stunning pages -- pt. IV. Integrating scripts with HTML -- 12. Scripting Web pages -- 13. The nuts and bolts of JavaScript -- 14. Working with forms -- 15. Fun with client-side scripts -- pt. V. HTML projects -- 16. The about me page -- 17. The eBay auction page -- 18. A company site -- 19. A product catalog -- pt. VI. The part of tens -- 20. Ten cool HTML tools -- 21. Ten HTML do's and don'ts -- 22. Ten ways to exterminate Web bugs -- pt. VII. Appendixes -- Appendix A. Deprecated (X)HTML elements and attributes -- Appendix B. Shorthand and aural CSS properties -- Appendix C. Glossary.
A guide to the Web authoring process demonstrates how to use HTML to create and maintain Web pages while discussing Web design, tables, forms, style sheets, and navigation aids
0764599232 (electronic bk. : Adobe Reader) 9780764599231 (electronic bk. : Adobe Reader) 0764589172 9780764589171
HTML (Document markup language)
006.74 Tit 6