Pascal, Blaise frey50
The Provincial letters, Pensees, Scientific treatises by Blaise Pascal; translated by Thomas M'Crie, W.F.Trotter, Richard Scofield - Chicago, Ill Encyclopedia Britannica 1952 - 487 p. - Great Books of the Western World Vol. 33 .
Includes Bographical Note
The Provincial Letters Translated by Thomas M'Crie Pensees Translated by W.F.Trotter Scientific Treatises Translated by Richard Scofield
Port-Royal des Champs (Abbey)
Jansenists France
Port Royal
800 Pas 14
The Provincial letters, Pensees, Scientific treatises by Blaise Pascal; translated by Thomas M'Crie, W.F.Trotter, Richard Scofield - Chicago, Ill Encyclopedia Britannica 1952 - 487 p. - Great Books of the Western World Vol. 33 .
Includes Bographical Note
The Provincial Letters Translated by Thomas M'Crie Pensees Translated by W.F.Trotter Scientific Treatises Translated by Richard Scofield
Port-Royal des Champs (Abbey)
Jansenists France
Port Royal
800 Pas 14