Wright, Louis B. frey50
The folger guide to Shakespeare by Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. Lamar - New York Washington Square Press 1969 - 462 p.
includes Biographies
Preface; I. Life of William Shakespeare Page 1; II. Outine of Biographical Facts From contemporary manuscript records Page 23; III. Shakespeare's family Page 43; IV. The printing of Shakespeare's works Page 47; Chronology of shakespeare's plays page 53; V. Chronology of Shakespeare's plays page 53; VI. Dramatic Works: Discussion and Synopses Page 55, 1. Henry VI 56, 2. Henry VI 67, 3. Henry VI 77, Richard III 87, Teh comedy of errors 99, Titus Andronicus 106, The taming of the shrew, The two gentlemen of Verona, A midsummer night's dream 129, Love's labor's lost 136, Romeo and Juliet 141, Richard II 151, Teh merchant of Venice 158, King John 168, 1. Henry IV 176, 2. Henry IV 186, Much ado about nothing 194, Henry V 201, Julius Caesar 212, As you like it 219, Twelfth night 229, Hamlet 246, The Merry wives of Wndsor 246, Troilus and Cressida 255, All's well that ends well 265, Measure for Measure 274, Othello 282, King Lear 290, Macbeth 301, Antony and Cleopatra 312, Coriolarus 316, Pericles 320, Timon of Athens 330, Cymbeline 337, the winter's tale 348, The tempest 356, Henry VIII 362; VII. Recoreded performances of Shakespeare's plays until the closing of the theatres in 1642 Page 373; VIII Glossary of principal characters page 391, IX Narrative poems page 423; Venus and Adonis 423, Teh rape of Lucrese 425, Teh passionate pilgrim 427, The Phoenix and the turtle 428, X. The sonnets page 429; A lover's complaint 431; XI. Significant historical dates page 433, XII. Bibliography page 437
Shakespeare, William 1564-1616
Shakespeare, William --Outlines, syllabi, etc.--1564-1616
Shakespeare, William--Examinations--Study guides--1564-1616
822.33 Wri 14
The folger guide to Shakespeare by Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. Lamar - New York Washington Square Press 1969 - 462 p.
includes Biographies
Preface; I. Life of William Shakespeare Page 1; II. Outine of Biographical Facts From contemporary manuscript records Page 23; III. Shakespeare's family Page 43; IV. The printing of Shakespeare's works Page 47; Chronology of shakespeare's plays page 53; V. Chronology of Shakespeare's plays page 53; VI. Dramatic Works: Discussion and Synopses Page 55, 1. Henry VI 56, 2. Henry VI 67, 3. Henry VI 77, Richard III 87, Teh comedy of errors 99, Titus Andronicus 106, The taming of the shrew, The two gentlemen of Verona, A midsummer night's dream 129, Love's labor's lost 136, Romeo and Juliet 141, Richard II 151, Teh merchant of Venice 158, King John 168, 1. Henry IV 176, 2. Henry IV 186, Much ado about nothing 194, Henry V 201, Julius Caesar 212, As you like it 219, Twelfth night 229, Hamlet 246, The Merry wives of Wndsor 246, Troilus and Cressida 255, All's well that ends well 265, Measure for Measure 274, Othello 282, King Lear 290, Macbeth 301, Antony and Cleopatra 312, Coriolarus 316, Pericles 320, Timon of Athens 330, Cymbeline 337, the winter's tale 348, The tempest 356, Henry VIII 362; VII. Recoreded performances of Shakespeare's plays until the closing of the theatres in 1642 Page 373; VIII Glossary of principal characters page 391, IX Narrative poems page 423; Venus and Adonis 423, Teh rape of Lucrese 425, Teh passionate pilgrim 427, The Phoenix and the turtle 428, X. The sonnets page 429; A lover's complaint 431; XI. Significant historical dates page 433, XII. Bibliography page 437
Shakespeare, William 1564-1616
Shakespeare, William --Outlines, syllabi, etc.--1564-1616
Shakespeare, William--Examinations--Study guides--1564-1616
822.33 Wri 14