Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. Castle Dracula by Knox, Barbara Publication: New York, NY : Bearport Pub. Co., 2005 . 32 p. : , includes bibliographical references and index 26 cm. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: [j949.84 Kno] (1),
2. Himeji castle by Ball, Jacqueline A. Publication: New York Bearport Publishing Company 2005 . 32 p. , Includes bibliography references and Index 27 cm. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: [j952.02 Bal] (1),
3. Taj Mahal : by Tagliaferro, Linda Publication: New York : Bearport Publishing Company, Inc. 2005 . 32 p. : , includes bibliographical references and index 26 cm. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: [j954.2 Tag] (1),