Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Cleaveland, Agnes Morley

No life for a lady Agnes Morley Cleaveland; Illustrated by Edward Borein - Santa Fe, New Mexico William Gannon 1976 - 356 p. Paperback.

When Agnes Morley Cleaveland was born on a New Mexico cattle ranch in 1874, the term "Wild West" was a reality, not a cliche. In those days cowboys didn't know they were picturesque, horse rustlers were to be handled as seemed best on the occasion, and young ladies thought nothing punching cows and hunting grizzlies in between school terms. Mrs. Cleaveland's personal history of her experiences is "topnotch Americana, honestly and entertainingly told".


Frontier and pioneer life - New Mexico.--Ranch life - New Mexico--New Mexico - History.--Pioneers - New Mexico - Biography.
Women pioneers--Biography--New Mexico

978.9040924 Cle 48