Masterpieces of world philosophy
Edited by Frank N. Magill
- New York Harper & Row Publishers 1961
- 1166 p.
Advancement of learning, The / Francis Bacon
Aesthetic / Benedetto Croce
analects of Confucius, The / Confucius
analysis of knowledge and valuation, An / Clarence Irving Lewis
analysis of the sensations, The / Ernst Mach
Anaxagoras: fragments / Anaxagoras of Clazomenae
Anaximander: fragments / Anaximander of Miletus
Apology / Plato
Apology for Raimond Sebond / Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
Appearance and reality / Francis Herbert Bradley
Art as experience / John Dewey
Being and nothingness / Jean-Paul Sartre
Being and time / Martin Heidegger
Beyond good and evil / Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
book of salvation, The / Avicenna
Characteristics / Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury
Chuang Tzu / Chuang Chou
City of God / Saint Augustine
Collected essays / Thomas Henry Huxley
Collected papers / Charles Sanders Peirce
concept of mind, The / Gilbert Ryle
Concluding unscientific postscript / Søren Kierkegaard
Confessions / Saint Augustine
consolation of philosophy, The / Boethius
courage to be, The / Paul Tillich
Course on the positive philosophy / Auguste Comte
Creative evolution / Henri Bergson
Crest jewel of wisdom / S'ankara
Critique of judgment / Immanuel Kant
Critique of practical reason / Immanuel Kant
Crito / Plato
De corpore / Thomas Hobbes
De principiis / Origen
De rerum natura / Lucretius
Degrees of knowledge / Jacques Maritain
Democritus: fragments / Democritucs of Abdera
destiny of man, The / Nikolai Berdyaev
Dialogues concerning cause, principle, and one / Giordano Bruno
Dialogues concerning natural religion / David Hume
Dialogues on metaphysics and on religion / Nicolas de Malebranche
Discourse on method / Rene Descartes
Discourses and manual / Epictetus
Either/or / Søren Kierkegaard
Empedocles: fragments / Empedocles of Acragas
Enneads / Plotinus
enquiry concerning the principles of morals, An / John Locke. Essay concerning human understanding, An / John Locke
Essay on liberty / John Stuart Mill
essay on metaphysics, An / Robin George Collingwood
Essays on the intellectual powers of man and essays on the active powers of the human mind / Thomas Reid
Ethica Nicomachea / Aristotle
Ethical studies / Francis Herbert Bradley
Ethics / Nicolai Hartmann
Ethics / Frank Chapman Sharp
Ethics / Benedictus de Spinoza
Ethics and language / Charles Leslie Stevenson
Euthyphro / Plato
Experience and substance / De Witt Henry Parker
Fifteen sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel / Joseph Butler
First principles / Herbert Spencer
Force and matter / Friedrich Karl Christian Ludwig Buchner
Freedom of the will / Jonathan Edwards
General theory of value / Ralph Barton Perry
glosses on Porphyry, The / Peter Abelard
Gorgias / Plato
grammar of assent, A / John Henry Cardinal Newman
great learning, The / attributed to Tseng Tzu or Tzu Su
Guide for the perplexed / Maimonides
Han Fei Tzu / Han Fei
Heraclitus: fragments / Heraclits of Ephesus
historical and critical dictionary, The / Pierre Bayle
Human nature and conduct / John Dewey
I and thou / Martin Buber
idea of the holy, The / Rudolf Otto
idealist view of life, An / Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Ideas: general introduction to pure phenomenology / Edmund Husserl
incoherence of the incoherence, The / Averroes
inquiry into meaning and truth, An / Bertrand Russell
Introduction to mathematical philosophy / Bertrand Russell
introduction to metaphysics, An / Henri Bergson
Introduction to semantics / Rudolf Carnap
introduction to the principles of morals and legislation, An / Jeremy Bentham
Journey to the mind of God / Saint Bonaventura
knowledge of God and the service of God, The / Karl Barth
Kung-sun Lung Tzu / Kung-sun Lung
Language, truth and logic / Alfred Jules Ayer
Laws / Plato
Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes. Life of reason, The / George Santayana
Logic / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
logic of modern physics, The / Percy Williams Bridgman
Logic, the theory of inquiry / John Dewey
Man a machine / Julien Offray de La Mettrie
meaning of truth, The / William James
Meditations / Marcus Aurelius
Meditations on first philosophy / Rene Descartes
Meng Tzu / Mencius
Meno / Plato
Metaphysics / Aristotle
methods of ethics, The / Henry Sidwick
Microcosmus / Rudolf Hermann Lotze
mind and its place in nature, The / Charlie Dunbar Broad
Mind and the world order / Clarence Irving Lewis
Mind, self, and society / George Herbert Mead
Mo Tzu / Mo Ti
Monadology / Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
Monologion and proslogion / Saint Anselm
mystery of being, The / Gabriel Marcel
nature and destiny of man, The / Reinhold Niebuhr
Nature and mind / Frederic James E. Woodbridge
Nature, mind, and death / Curt John Ducasse
nature of thought, The / Brand Blanshard
nature of truth, The / Harold Henry Joachim
New essays on the human understanding / Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
new science, The / Giovanni Battista Vico
Novum organum / Francis Bacon
Of civil government: the second treatise / John Locke
Of learned ignorance / Nicholas of Cusa
On the division of nature / Johannes Scotus Erigena
On the reduction of the arts to theology / Saint Bonaventura
On the soul / Aristotle
Organon / Aristotle
Our knowledge of the external world / Bertrand Russell
Outlines of Pyrrhonism / Sextus Empiricus
Parmenides / Plato
Pensees / Blaise Pascal
Perception / Henry Habberley Price
Personal realism / James Bisset Pratt
Phaedo / Plato
Phaedrus / Plato
Philebus / Plato
Philosophical fragments / Søren Kierkegaard
Philosophical investigations / Ludwig Wittgenstein
Philosophical studies / George Edward Moore
Philosophy and logical syntax / Rudolf Carnap. Philosophy and psycho-analysis / John Wisdom
philosophy of history, The / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
philosophy of physical realism, The / Roy Wood Sellars
philosophy of symbolic forms, The / Ernst Cassirer
philosophy of the unconscious, The / Edward von Hartmann
Physics / Aristotle
Poetics / Aristotle
Politics / Aristotle
Pragmatism / William James
prince, The / Niccolo Machiavelli
Principal doctrines and letter to Menoeceus / Epicurus
Prinipia ethica / George Edward Moore
principle of individuality and value, The / Bernard Bosanquet
Problems of ethics / Moritz Schlick
Process and reality / Alfred North Whitehead
Prolegomena to ethics / Thomas Hill Green
Protagoras / Plato
quest for certainty, The / John Dewey
Realms of being / George Santayana
Reason and existenz / Karl Jaspers
rebel, The / Albert Camus
Republic / Plato
Revelation and reason / Heinrich Emil Brunner
Rhetoric / Aristotle
riddle of the universe, The / Ernst Heinrich Haeckel
right and the good, The / W. David Ross
sense of beauty, The / George Santayana
Signs, language and behavior / Charles W. Morris
social contract, The / Jean Jacques Rousseau
Sophist / Plato
Space, time and deity / Samuel Alexander
spirit of medieval philosophy, The / Etienne Henry Gilsman
Statesman / Plato
Summa contra Gentiles / Saint Thomas Aquinas
Summa theologica / Saint Thomas Aquinas
Symposium / Plato
Suntagma philosophicum / Pierre Gassendi
system of logic, A / John Stuart Mill
Systematic theology / Paul Tillich
Tae te ching / Unknown
Theaetetus / Plato
Theodicy / Gottrfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
Theory of moral sentiments / Adam Smith
Thoughts on the interpretation of nature / Denis Diderot
Three lectures on aesthetic / Bernard Bosanquet
Thus spake Zarathustra / Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Timaeus / Plato
Time and free will / Henri Bergson. Tract concerning the first principle, A / John Duns Scotus
Tractatus logico-philosophicus / Ludwig Wittgenstein
treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge, A (Book I) / David Hume
two sources of morality and religion, The / Henri Bergson
Utilitarianism / John Stuart Mill
Utopia / Sir Thomas More
view of the evidence of Christianity, A / William Paley
vocation of man, The / Johann Gottlieb Fichte
way of truth, The and way of opinion, The / Parmenides of Elea
What is art? / Leo Tolstoy
will to believe, The / William James
William of Ockham: selections / William of Ockham
world and the individual, The / Josiah Royce
world as will and idea, The / Arthur Schopenhauer
Zen Buddhism / Daisetz T. Suzuki
Summaries of 200 major philosophical works, chronologically arranged
Philosophy--essay summaries
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Advancement of learning, The / Francis Bacon
Aesthetic / Benedetto Croce
analects of Confucius, The / Confucius
analysis of knowledge and valuation, An / Clarence Irving Lewis
analysis of the sensations, The / Ernst Mach
Anaxagoras: fragments / Anaxagoras of Clazomenae
Anaximander: fragments / Anaximander of Miletus
Apology / Plato
Apology for Raimond Sebond / Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
Appearance and reality / Francis Herbert Bradley
Art as experience / John Dewey
Being and nothingness / Jean-Paul Sartre
Being and time / Martin Heidegger
Beyond good and evil / Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
book of salvation, The / Avicenna
Characteristics / Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury
Chuang Tzu / Chuang Chou
City of God / Saint Augustine
Collected essays / Thomas Henry Huxley
Collected papers / Charles Sanders Peirce
concept of mind, The / Gilbert Ryle
Concluding unscientific postscript / Søren Kierkegaard
Confessions / Saint Augustine
consolation of philosophy, The / Boethius
courage to be, The / Paul Tillich
Course on the positive philosophy / Auguste Comte
Creative evolution / Henri Bergson
Crest jewel of wisdom / S'ankara
Critique of judgment / Immanuel Kant
Critique of practical reason / Immanuel Kant
Crito / Plato
De corpore / Thomas Hobbes
De principiis / Origen
De rerum natura / Lucretius
Degrees of knowledge / Jacques Maritain
Democritus: fragments / Democritucs of Abdera
destiny of man, The / Nikolai Berdyaev
Dialogues concerning cause, principle, and one / Giordano Bruno
Dialogues concerning natural religion / David Hume
Dialogues on metaphysics and on religion / Nicolas de Malebranche
Discourse on method / Rene Descartes
Discourses and manual / Epictetus
Either/or / Søren Kierkegaard
Empedocles: fragments / Empedocles of Acragas
Enneads / Plotinus
enquiry concerning the principles of morals, An / John Locke. Essay concerning human understanding, An / John Locke
Essay on liberty / John Stuart Mill
essay on metaphysics, An / Robin George Collingwood
Essays on the intellectual powers of man and essays on the active powers of the human mind / Thomas Reid
Ethica Nicomachea / Aristotle
Ethical studies / Francis Herbert Bradley
Ethics / Nicolai Hartmann
Ethics / Frank Chapman Sharp
Ethics / Benedictus de Spinoza
Ethics and language / Charles Leslie Stevenson
Euthyphro / Plato
Experience and substance / De Witt Henry Parker
Fifteen sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel / Joseph Butler
First principles / Herbert Spencer
Force and matter / Friedrich Karl Christian Ludwig Buchner
Freedom of the will / Jonathan Edwards
General theory of value / Ralph Barton Perry
glosses on Porphyry, The / Peter Abelard
Gorgias / Plato
grammar of assent, A / John Henry Cardinal Newman
great learning, The / attributed to Tseng Tzu or Tzu Su
Guide for the perplexed / Maimonides
Han Fei Tzu / Han Fei
Heraclitus: fragments / Heraclits of Ephesus
historical and critical dictionary, The / Pierre Bayle
Human nature and conduct / John Dewey
I and thou / Martin Buber
idea of the holy, The / Rudolf Otto
idealist view of life, An / Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Ideas: general introduction to pure phenomenology / Edmund Husserl
incoherence of the incoherence, The / Averroes
inquiry into meaning and truth, An / Bertrand Russell
Introduction to mathematical philosophy / Bertrand Russell
introduction to metaphysics, An / Henri Bergson
Introduction to semantics / Rudolf Carnap
introduction to the principles of morals and legislation, An / Jeremy Bentham
Journey to the mind of God / Saint Bonaventura
knowledge of God and the service of God, The / Karl Barth
Kung-sun Lung Tzu / Kung-sun Lung
Language, truth and logic / Alfred Jules Ayer
Laws / Plato
Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes. Life of reason, The / George Santayana
Logic / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
logic of modern physics, The / Percy Williams Bridgman
Logic, the theory of inquiry / John Dewey
Man a machine / Julien Offray de La Mettrie
meaning of truth, The / William James
Meditations / Marcus Aurelius
Meditations on first philosophy / Rene Descartes
Meng Tzu / Mencius
Meno / Plato
Metaphysics / Aristotle
methods of ethics, The / Henry Sidwick
Microcosmus / Rudolf Hermann Lotze
mind and its place in nature, The / Charlie Dunbar Broad
Mind and the world order / Clarence Irving Lewis
Mind, self, and society / George Herbert Mead
Mo Tzu / Mo Ti
Monadology / Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
Monologion and proslogion / Saint Anselm
mystery of being, The / Gabriel Marcel
nature and destiny of man, The / Reinhold Niebuhr
Nature and mind / Frederic James E. Woodbridge
Nature, mind, and death / Curt John Ducasse
nature of thought, The / Brand Blanshard
nature of truth, The / Harold Henry Joachim
New essays on the human understanding / Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
new science, The / Giovanni Battista Vico
Novum organum / Francis Bacon
Of civil government: the second treatise / John Locke
Of learned ignorance / Nicholas of Cusa
On the division of nature / Johannes Scotus Erigena
On the reduction of the arts to theology / Saint Bonaventura
On the soul / Aristotle
Organon / Aristotle
Our knowledge of the external world / Bertrand Russell
Outlines of Pyrrhonism / Sextus Empiricus
Parmenides / Plato
Pensees / Blaise Pascal
Perception / Henry Habberley Price
Personal realism / James Bisset Pratt
Phaedo / Plato
Phaedrus / Plato
Philebus / Plato
Philosophical fragments / Søren Kierkegaard
Philosophical investigations / Ludwig Wittgenstein
Philosophical studies / George Edward Moore
Philosophy and logical syntax / Rudolf Carnap. Philosophy and psycho-analysis / John Wisdom
philosophy of history, The / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
philosophy of physical realism, The / Roy Wood Sellars
philosophy of symbolic forms, The / Ernst Cassirer
philosophy of the unconscious, The / Edward von Hartmann
Physics / Aristotle
Poetics / Aristotle
Politics / Aristotle
Pragmatism / William James
prince, The / Niccolo Machiavelli
Principal doctrines and letter to Menoeceus / Epicurus
Prinipia ethica / George Edward Moore
principle of individuality and value, The / Bernard Bosanquet
Problems of ethics / Moritz Schlick
Process and reality / Alfred North Whitehead
Prolegomena to ethics / Thomas Hill Green
Protagoras / Plato
quest for certainty, The / John Dewey
Realms of being / George Santayana
Reason and existenz / Karl Jaspers
rebel, The / Albert Camus
Republic / Plato
Revelation and reason / Heinrich Emil Brunner
Rhetoric / Aristotle
riddle of the universe, The / Ernst Heinrich Haeckel
right and the good, The / W. David Ross
sense of beauty, The / George Santayana
Signs, language and behavior / Charles W. Morris
social contract, The / Jean Jacques Rousseau
Sophist / Plato
Space, time and deity / Samuel Alexander
spirit of medieval philosophy, The / Etienne Henry Gilsman
Statesman / Plato
Summa contra Gentiles / Saint Thomas Aquinas
Summa theologica / Saint Thomas Aquinas
Symposium / Plato
Suntagma philosophicum / Pierre Gassendi
system of logic, A / John Stuart Mill
Systematic theology / Paul Tillich
Tae te ching / Unknown
Theaetetus / Plato
Theodicy / Gottrfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
Theory of moral sentiments / Adam Smith
Thoughts on the interpretation of nature / Denis Diderot
Three lectures on aesthetic / Bernard Bosanquet
Thus spake Zarathustra / Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Timaeus / Plato
Time and free will / Henri Bergson. Tract concerning the first principle, A / John Duns Scotus
Tractatus logico-philosophicus / Ludwig Wittgenstein
treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge, A (Book I) / David Hume
two sources of morality and religion, The / Henri Bergson
Utilitarianism / John Stuart Mill
Utopia / Sir Thomas More
view of the evidence of Christianity, A / William Paley
vocation of man, The / Johann Gottlieb Fichte
way of truth, The and way of opinion, The / Parmenides of Elea
What is art? / Leo Tolstoy
will to believe, The / William James
William of Ockham: selections / William of Ockham
world and the individual, The / Josiah Royce
world as will and idea, The / Arthur Schopenhauer
Zen Buddhism / Daisetz T. Suzuki
Summaries of 200 major philosophical works, chronologically arranged
Philosophy--essay summaries
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