Jung, C.G.
Development of Personality the collected works of C. G. Jung The Development of Personality - New York Pantheon Books 1954 - 235 p. - Bollingen Series XX Volume 17 .
I. Psychic conflicts in a child, translated from "Über Konflikte der kindlichen Seele," Psychologie und Erziehung (Zurich : Rascher, 1946)
II. Introduction to Wickes's Analyse der Kinderseele, translated from the German edition (Stuttgart : Hoffman, 1931)
III. Child development and education, translated from the unpublished German original
IV. Analytical psychology and education, translated from "Analytische Psychologie und Erziehung," Psychologie und Erziehung (Zurich : Rascher, 1946)
V. The gifted child, translated from "Der Begabte," Psychologie und Erziehung (Zurich : Rascher, 1946)
VI. The significance of the unconscious in individual education, translated from the unpublished German original
VII. The development of personality, translated from "Vom Werden der Persönlichkeit," Wirklichkeit der Seele (Zurich : Rascher, 1934)
VIII. Marriage as a psychological relationship, translated from "Die Ehe als psychologische Beziehung," Seelenprobleme der Gegenwart (Zurich : Rascher, 1931)
Papers on child psychology, education, and individuation, underlining the overwhelming importance of parents and teachers in the genesis of the intellectual, feeling, and emotional disorders of childhood. The final paper deals with marriage as an aid or obstacle to self-realization
Personality Development
150.19 Jun 7
Development of Personality the collected works of C. G. Jung The Development of Personality - New York Pantheon Books 1954 - 235 p. - Bollingen Series XX Volume 17 .
I. Psychic conflicts in a child, translated from "Über Konflikte der kindlichen Seele," Psychologie und Erziehung (Zurich : Rascher, 1946)
II. Introduction to Wickes's Analyse der Kinderseele, translated from the German edition (Stuttgart : Hoffman, 1931)
III. Child development and education, translated from the unpublished German original
IV. Analytical psychology and education, translated from "Analytische Psychologie und Erziehung," Psychologie und Erziehung (Zurich : Rascher, 1946)
V. The gifted child, translated from "Der Begabte," Psychologie und Erziehung (Zurich : Rascher, 1946)
VI. The significance of the unconscious in individual education, translated from the unpublished German original
VII. The development of personality, translated from "Vom Werden der Persönlichkeit," Wirklichkeit der Seele (Zurich : Rascher, 1934)
VIII. Marriage as a psychological relationship, translated from "Die Ehe als psychologische Beziehung," Seelenprobleme der Gegenwart (Zurich : Rascher, 1931)
Papers on child psychology, education, and individuation, underlining the overwhelming importance of parents and teachers in the genesis of the intellectual, feeling, and emotional disorders of childhood. The final paper deals with marriage as an aid or obstacle to self-realization
Personality Development
150.19 Jun 7