Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Peale, Norman Vincent

You can if you think you can Norman Vincent Peale - Englewood Cliffs Prentice-Hall 1974 - XI, p 321

The persistence principle: it's always to soon to quit
So what's your problem? You can handle it
Uptight? Tense? How to cool it and relax
Motivation that really motivates
Keep on believing in yourself
have confidence
You can if you think you can
What are you afraid of? Forget it!
Expect a miracle
make miracles happen
Bored? Frustrated? Fed up? What to do about it
Never think of failing
you don't need to
All the resources you need are in your mind
Ways to foster health, vitality, aliveness
Ease up! Have a sense of humor
Get on top of things and stay there

YOU CAN IF YOU THINK YOU CAN brings together the dramatic, heartwarming stories of how men and women - inall walks of life - transformed their lives and careers by developing Dr. Peale's philosophy of positive thinking


Conduct of life

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