Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Behrstock, Robert A.

Dragonflies & damselflies of the Southwest Dragonflies and damselflies of the Southwest Robert A. Behrstock - Tucson, Arizona Rio Nuevo Publishers c2008. - 80 p. col. ill., col. map ; 23 cm. - Wild West series .

Dragonflies and damselflies are small but striking aquatic creatures found in the desert climates of the Southwest. These carnivorous insects are among the world's fastest, oldest, and most beautiful creatures. A newcomer to the Natural History Series, Dragonflies & Damselflies of the Border Southwest provides naturalists with an attractively illustrated overview of the history, symbolism, life stages, metamorphosis, habitats, and behavior of dragonflies and damselflies, along with spectacular photographic images for easy identification. 85 color photos

9781933855141 (pbk.) 1933855142 (pbk.)


Dragonflies--Southwest, New
Damselflies--Southwest, New

595.7330979 Beh 44