Wild Carnivores of New Mexico
edited by Jean-Luc E. Cartron and Jennifer K. Frey
- Albuquerque University of New Mexico Press 2023
- xxxix, 1100 pages color illustrations, color maps 27 x 20 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part I. Introductory chapters. 1. Carnivores in the Ice Age of New Mexico / Arthur H. Harris --2. Vegetation, fire ecology, and climate of New Mexico's ecosystems / F. Jack Triepke and Timothy K. Lowrey -- 3. Predator damage management in New Mexico / J. Alan May and Stewart Breck -- 4. The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and Carnivore Management / Elise Goldstein -- 5. Future climate-driven impacts and the conservation of carnivores in New Mexico / Jean-Luc Cartron, F. Jack Triepke, David S. Gutzler, Kassidy M. Steckbeck, and Kenneth C. Calhoun. Part II. Species accounts. Chapter 6. Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis) / Jacob S. Ivan -- Chapter 7. Bobcat (Lynx rufus) / Robert H. Harrison and Jean-Luc E. Cartron -- Chapter 8. Jaguar (Panthera onca) / James N. Stuart and Charles L. Hayes IV -- Chapter 9. Cougar (Puma concolor) / Kenneth A. Logan and Linda L. Sweanor -- Chapter 10. Coyote (Canis latrans) / Jean-Luc E. Cartron and Eric M. Gese -- Chapter 11. Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) / John K. Oakleaf, Phillip S. Gipson, Colby M. Gardner, Stewart Breck, and Tracy Melbihess. Chapter 12. Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) / Matthew J. Gould, Jean-Luc E. Cartron, and Gary W. Roemer -- Chapter 13. Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis) / Jonathan L. Dunnum and Joseph A. Cook -- Chapter 14. Swift Fox (Vulpes velox) / Robert H. Harrison, Jean-Luc E. Cartron, and Jonathan L. Dunnum -- Chapter 15. North American Red Fox (Vulpes fulva) / Jennifer K. Frey, Matthew E. Gompper, and Jean-Luc E. Cartron -- Chapter 16. Black Bear (Ursus americanus) / Cecily M. Costello -- Chapter 17. Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) / David E. Brown, Matthew J. Gould, and Jean-Luc E. Cartron. Chapter 18. Wolverine (Gulo gulo) / Jennifer K. Frey -- Chapter 19. Nothern River Otter (Lontra canadensis) / Melissa Savage and James N. Stuart -- Chapter 20. Pacific Marten (Martes caurina) / James N. Stuart and Brian J. Long -- Chapter 21. American Ermine (Mustela richardsonii) / Jennifer K. Frey -- Chapter 22. Black-Footed Ferret (Mustela nigripes) / Dustin H. Long and James N. Stuart -- Chapter 23. Long-Tailed Weasel (Neogale frenata) / Jennifer K. Frey -- Chapter 24. American Mink (Neogale vison) / Jennifer K. Frey. Chapter 25. American Badger (Taxidea taxus) / Robert H. Harrison and Jean-Luc E. Cartron -- Chapter 26. White-Backed Hog-Nosed Skunk (Conepatus leuconotus) / Jerry W. Dragoo and Christine C. Hass -- Chapter 27. Hooded Skunk (Maphitis macroura) / Christine C. hass and Jerry W. Dragoo -- Chapter 28. Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis) / Christine C. Hass and Jerry W. Dragoo -- Chapter 29. Western Spotted Skunk (Spilogale gracilis) and Rio Grande Spotted Skunk (S. leucoparia) / Jerry W. Dragoo and Christine C. Hass -- Chapter 30. Ringtail (Bassariscus Astutus) / Robert C. Lonsinger and Gary W. Roemer.
"In this first-ever landmark study of New Mexico's wild carnivores, Jean-Luc E. Cartron and Jennifer K. Frey have assembled a team of leading southwestern biologists to explore the animals and the major issues that shape their continued presence in the state and region. The book includes discussions on habitat, evolving or altered ecosystems, and new discoveries about animal behavior and range, and it also provides details on the distribution, habitat associations, life history, population status, management, and conservation needs of individual carnivore species in New Mexico"--Provided by publisher.
9780826351517 0826351514
Carnivora--New Mexico--Identification
QL737.C2 / W55 2023
599.709789 Wil 11
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part I. Introductory chapters. 1. Carnivores in the Ice Age of New Mexico / Arthur H. Harris --2. Vegetation, fire ecology, and climate of New Mexico's ecosystems / F. Jack Triepke and Timothy K. Lowrey -- 3. Predator damage management in New Mexico / J. Alan May and Stewart Breck -- 4. The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and Carnivore Management / Elise Goldstein -- 5. Future climate-driven impacts and the conservation of carnivores in New Mexico / Jean-Luc Cartron, F. Jack Triepke, David S. Gutzler, Kassidy M. Steckbeck, and Kenneth C. Calhoun. Part II. Species accounts. Chapter 6. Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis) / Jacob S. Ivan -- Chapter 7. Bobcat (Lynx rufus) / Robert H. Harrison and Jean-Luc E. Cartron -- Chapter 8. Jaguar (Panthera onca) / James N. Stuart and Charles L. Hayes IV -- Chapter 9. Cougar (Puma concolor) / Kenneth A. Logan and Linda L. Sweanor -- Chapter 10. Coyote (Canis latrans) / Jean-Luc E. Cartron and Eric M. Gese -- Chapter 11. Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) / John K. Oakleaf, Phillip S. Gipson, Colby M. Gardner, Stewart Breck, and Tracy Melbihess. Chapter 12. Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) / Matthew J. Gould, Jean-Luc E. Cartron, and Gary W. Roemer -- Chapter 13. Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis) / Jonathan L. Dunnum and Joseph A. Cook -- Chapter 14. Swift Fox (Vulpes velox) / Robert H. Harrison, Jean-Luc E. Cartron, and Jonathan L. Dunnum -- Chapter 15. North American Red Fox (Vulpes fulva) / Jennifer K. Frey, Matthew E. Gompper, and Jean-Luc E. Cartron -- Chapter 16. Black Bear (Ursus americanus) / Cecily M. Costello -- Chapter 17. Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) / David E. Brown, Matthew J. Gould, and Jean-Luc E. Cartron. Chapter 18. Wolverine (Gulo gulo) / Jennifer K. Frey -- Chapter 19. Nothern River Otter (Lontra canadensis) / Melissa Savage and James N. Stuart -- Chapter 20. Pacific Marten (Martes caurina) / James N. Stuart and Brian J. Long -- Chapter 21. American Ermine (Mustela richardsonii) / Jennifer K. Frey -- Chapter 22. Black-Footed Ferret (Mustela nigripes) / Dustin H. Long and James N. Stuart -- Chapter 23. Long-Tailed Weasel (Neogale frenata) / Jennifer K. Frey -- Chapter 24. American Mink (Neogale vison) / Jennifer K. Frey. Chapter 25. American Badger (Taxidea taxus) / Robert H. Harrison and Jean-Luc E. Cartron -- Chapter 26. White-Backed Hog-Nosed Skunk (Conepatus leuconotus) / Jerry W. Dragoo and Christine C. Hass -- Chapter 27. Hooded Skunk (Maphitis macroura) / Christine C. hass and Jerry W. Dragoo -- Chapter 28. Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis) / Christine C. Hass and Jerry W. Dragoo -- Chapter 29. Western Spotted Skunk (Spilogale gracilis) and Rio Grande Spotted Skunk (S. leucoparia) / Jerry W. Dragoo and Christine C. Hass -- Chapter 30. Ringtail (Bassariscus Astutus) / Robert C. Lonsinger and Gary W. Roemer.
"In this first-ever landmark study of New Mexico's wild carnivores, Jean-Luc E. Cartron and Jennifer K. Frey have assembled a team of leading southwestern biologists to explore the animals and the major issues that shape their continued presence in the state and region. The book includes discussions on habitat, evolving or altered ecosystems, and new discoveries about animal behavior and range, and it also provides details on the distribution, habitat associations, life history, population status, management, and conservation needs of individual carnivore species in New Mexico"--Provided by publisher.
9780826351517 0826351514
Carnivora--New Mexico--Identification
QL737.C2 / W55 2023
599.709789 Wil 11