Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Campbell-McBride, Natasha

Put your heart in your mouth what really is heart disease and what can we do to prevent and even reverse it Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD. - Cambridge Medinform Publishing 2007 - iv, 186 pages ; 21 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

The diet-heart hypothesis -- Cholesterol: friend or foe? -- Atheriosclerosis is an inflammatory condition -- What causes atheriosclerosis? -- What do we do to prevent atheriosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes? -- One more thing to keep in mind! -- What about exercise? -- All diseases begin in the gut! -- Selected recipes -- There is none so blind as the double blind!

We all know somebody who suffers from heart disease or who has died from it, including members of our own families. Heart disease is our modern plague. It has become a background noise for many of us, so we don't stop and think: what on earth is heart disease and should I be concerned about it? People may suffer from many different heart problems, such as rheumatic fever, congenital heart defects, infections, tumours, heart muscle disorders, injury, damage from drugs and other toxins, genetic disorders, and heart failure. However, when people talk about "heart disease", what they mean is Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Why? Because it is the number one killer in the Western world.

9780954852016 095485201X

Heart--Diseases--Alternative treatment.

R733 / .C34 2007

616.120654 Cam 12

WG 210 C189p 2007