Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Sandler, Nick

The magic of broths : 60 great recipes for healing broths and stocks, and how to make them Nick Sandler ; photography by Ali Allen ; illustrations by Ruth Ferrier. - Lanham MD (Distributed by National Book Network) Kyle Books 2016 - 127 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm Soft bound cover

Broth diets -- Beef broths -- Pork broths -- Chicken & duck broths -- Fish broths -- Veggie broths -- Steamboats.

Nick Sandler knows bone broths and he has created 60 recipes that are nutritional dynamite. Not only are they healthy, they are also easy to make at home. Just leave a pot of stock simmering away on the weekend and you have a base for delicious broths throughout the week. Both comfort and more exotic recipes fill this book of healthy broths to make fabulous soups.

1909487414 9781909487413



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