Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Wright, Margaret Nickelson

Hopi silver the history and hallmarks of hopi silversmithing Margaret Nickelson - Northland Press 1972 - 147 p

Collectors all over the world prize the distinctive silver jewellery crafted by the Hopi people of northern Arizona. This comprehensive guide, first published over thirty years ago has long been considered the best available reference on Hopi silversmithing. Beginning with a brief look at the geographic area that helped form Hopi identity and culture, Wright moves on to examine Hopi silversmiths from the late nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. Included is the important role played by Mary Russell-Colter of the Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff. Russell-Colter encouraged the Hopis to adopt a unique design style that would set their work apart from other Indian silver work, thereby making it more easily distinguishable and profitable. Wright also provides a survey of the tools utilised by the artisans. The index of hallmarks utilized by more than 300 Hopi silversmiths, arranged chronologically and by type of symbol, with brief information about each artist is a necessity for anyone collecting Hopi silver work

9780826333827 0826333826

Hopi silverwork

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