20160731 frey50
Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, & Aristophanes G M Cookson; R C Jebb; Edward P Coleridge; Benjamin Bickley Rogers; Aeschylus.; Sophocles.; Euripides.; Aristophanes - Chicago, Illinois Encyclopedia Britannica 1952 - 649 pgs. - Great Books of the Western World Vol. 5 .
Includes Biographical Note
Greek Tragedy--Plays
Greek Comedy--Plays
Greek Mythology --Plays
Greek Drama--Plays
800 Aes 14
Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, & Aristophanes G M Cookson; R C Jebb; Edward P Coleridge; Benjamin Bickley Rogers; Aeschylus.; Sophocles.; Euripides.; Aristophanes - Chicago, Illinois Encyclopedia Britannica 1952 - 649 pgs. - Great Books of the Western World Vol. 5 .
Includes Biographical Note
Greek Tragedy--Plays
Greek Comedy--Plays
Greek Mythology --Plays
Greek Drama--Plays
800 Aes 14