Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Hacker, Diana frey50

A writer's reference by Diana Hacker - 4th ed. - Boston, Massachusetts Bedford/St. Martin's 1999 - xxiv, 424, 25 p. 21 cm. + 1 computer laser optical disc.

"Updated with MLA's and APA's 1999 guidelines"--Cover. Includes index.

Composition/Style -- Composing and revising -- Research writing -- Effective sentences -- Word choice -- Correctness -- Grammatical sentences -- ESL trouble spots -- Punctuation -- Spelling and mechanics -- Format/Basic grammar -- Document design -- MLA documentation -- Alternative styles of documentation -- Basic grammar.

0312260377 (spiral bound) : 0312256957 (CD-ROM)



English language--Rhetoric
English language--Grammar
Report writing

808.02 Hac 14