Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Songs of the cattle trail and the cow camp Collected by John A. Lomax - The Macmillan Company New York 1928 - 189 p.

PART I. COWBOY YARNS: Out where the west begins; The shallows of the ford; The dance at silver valley; The legend of boastful Bill; The Texas cowboy and the Mexican Greaser; Broncho Versus Bicycle; Riders of the stars; Lasca; Teh transformation of a Texas girl; The glory trail; High chin Bob; To hear him tell it; The clown's baby; The drunken desperado; Marta of milbone; Jack Dempsey's grave; The cattle round up - PART II. THE COWBOY OFF GUARD: A cowboy's worrying love; The cowboy and the maid; A cowboy's love song; A border Affair; Snagtooth Sal; Love lyrics of a cowboy; The bull fight; The cowboy's Valentine; A cowboy's hopelss love; The chase; Riding song; Our little cowgirl; I want my time; Who's that calling so sweet?; Song of the cattle trail; A cowboy's son; A cowboy song; A Nevada Cowpuncher to his beloved; The cowboy to hsi friend in need; When Bob got throwed; Cowboy versus broncho; When your're throwed; Pardners; The bronc that wouldn't burst; The ol' cow hawse; The bunk house orchestra; The cowboys' dance song; The cowboys' Christmas ball; A dance at the ranch; At a cowboy dance; The cowboys' ball - PART III. COWBOY TYPES: The cowboy; Bar-Z on a sunday night; A cowboy race; The habit; A ranger; The insult; "The road to ruin"; The outlaw; The desert; Whiskey Bill-- a fragment; Denver Jim; the Vigilantes; The Bandit's grave; The old Mackenzie trail; The sheep herder; A cowboy at the carnival; The old cowman; The gila monster route; The call of the plains; Where the grizzly dwells; A cowboy toast; Ridin' up the rocky trail from town; Teh disappointed tenderfoot; A cowboy alone with his conscience; Just a ridin'!; The end of the trail

A collection of poems and song texts dealing with the cowboy and his life.

Songs, English --Texts--West (U.S.)
Ballads, English --Texts--West (U.S.)
Cowboys --Songs and music

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