Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Visions of America : By the Poets of Our Time Edited by David Kherdian ; Illustrated by Nonny Hogrogian - New York Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1973 - 92 p.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Growing up In America And Its Cities

Step out onto the planet / Lew Welch- Runes / Emmett Jarrett- All through the rains / Gary Snyder- Mosca / Paul Blackburn- The orange bears / Kenneth patchen- Reflections on a small parade / Bob Kaufman- One home / William Stafford- Outside Fargo, North Dakota / James Wright- For my father / David Kherdian- From Some Western Haikus / Jack Kerouac- Sun / Diane Wakoski- Gee, You're so beautiful that it's starting to rain / Richard Brautigan- You Were Wearing / Kenneth Koch- Concert Campetre / Frank O'Hara- Preface to a twenty volume suicide note / Imamu Ameer Baraka (Leroi Jones)- Dialogue--2 Dollmakers / Gregory Corso- A little boy lost / Jerome Rothenberg- Listening / William Stafford Visit / A. R. Ammons- The sage / Denise Levertov- Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout / Gary Snyder- Vaquero / Edward Dorn- Passing Remark / William Stafford- A Blessing / James Wright- Peace / Charles Bukowski- Night Words: The Ravishing / Michael McClure- This is just to say / William Carlos Williams- Me agian / Kenneth Rexroth- The road-runner / Philip Whalen- Sept. 16, 1961, Poem / Jack Kerouac- Naughty Boy / Robert Creeley- Portrait of a Lady / William Carlos Williams- The Heaven of Animals / James Dickey- Goat Songs / Ray Drew- Hymnus Ad Patrem Sinensis / Philip Whalen- Procedure is habit. I affirm it. / David Meltzer- Please / Robert Creeley- Sunflower / Charles Bukowski- "It is big inside a man" / Kenneth Patchen- Revolutionary Letter #36 / Diane Di Prima- Poem for the Subterranean Poor / Diane Di Prima Get the gasworks / David Ignatow- The yawn / Paul Blackburn- Fraser, I think, tells of a Roman / Charles Reznikoff- Puerto Ricans in New York / Charles Reznikoff- November 3 / Richard Brautigan- Why I am not a painter / Frank O'Hara- A supermarket in California / Allen Ginsberg- But I do not need kindness / Gregory Corso- Gic to Har / Kenneth Rexroth- Revolution Letter #16 / Diane Di Prima- What strange pleasure do they who'd / Lew Welch- Birthplace Revisited / Gregory Corso- Above the moving river / David Kherdian- As I step over a puddle at the end of winter, I think of an ancient chinese governor / James Wright- 7 / Lawrence Ferlinghetti- Is it an outfielder / Ron Loewinsohn- Lighthearted William / William Carlos Williams- Obit Page / Paul Blackburn

American poetry Collections

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