Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Essays of American Essayists Introduction by Chauncey C. Starkweather - New York P.F.Collier & Son 1900 - 456 p. - World's Greatest Literature .

Includes Biographical and critical Sketches

Benjamin Franklin -- William Ellery Channing -- Washington Irving -- Richard Henry Dana -- William Cullen Bryant -- William Hickling Prescott -- George Bancroft -- Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Nathaniel Hawthorne -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- John Greenleaf Whittier -- Edgar Allan Poe -- Oliver Wendell Holmes -- Harriet Beecher Stowe -- John Lothrop Motley -- Henry David Thoreau -- James Russel Lowell -- Walt Whitman -- Francis Parkman -- George William Curtis

American essays.

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