Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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American Public Addresses 1740-1952 Selected and Edited by A. (Albert) Craig Baird - New York McGraw-Hill Book Company 1956 - 301 p. - McGraw-Hill series in speech .

Includes index

Sinners in the hands of an angry God / Jonathan Edwards -- Liberty or death ; Against adopting the Federal constitution / Patrick Henry -- For adoption of the Federal constitution / James Madison -- Knapp-White murder case ; Reply to Hayne ; Seventh of March, 1850, speech / Daniel Webster -- The slavery question / John C. Calhoun -- The compromise of 1850 / Henry Clay -- The Lincoln-Douglas debate at Alton / Stephen A. Douglas -- The Lincoln-Douglas joint debate at Alton ; First inaugural address ; Gettysbury address ; Second inaugural address / Abraham Lincoln -- For southern rights / William Lowndes Yancey -- The American scholar / Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Murder of Lovejoy ; The scholar in a replublic / Wendell Phillips -- The two revelations / Henry Ward Beecher -- Decoration day address ; At his brother's grave / Robert Green Ingersoll -- The new south / Henry W. Grady -- Atlanta exposition address / Booker T. Washington -- Cross of gold / William Jennings Bryan -- The Philippine question / Albert Jeremiah Beveridge -- The man with the muckrake / Theodore Roosevelt -- First inaugural address ; War message ; For the League of Nations / Woodrow Wilson -- Free speech in wartime / Robert M. La Follette -- Shall a labor party be formed? / Samuel Gompers -- Americanism / William E. Borah -- First inaugural address ; Declaration of war against Japan ; Keeping political faith / Franklin Delano Roosevelt -- A Christian conscience about war / Harry Emerson Fosdick -- Inaugural address / Dwight D. Eisenhower -- Acceptance speech / Adlai Stevenson

Speaches given between 1740 and 1952 by famous Americans.

Speeches, addresses, etc., American --History
Politics and government United States

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