Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Armstrong, Virginia Irving

I have spoken American History through the voices of the Indians Virginia Irving Armstrong; Introducton by Frederick W. Turner III - Chicago The Swallow Press Inc. 1971 - 206 p.

Includes index

Introduction by Frederick W. Turner III - Preface - Speeches : 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century - Appendix : Judge Dundy's Decision - Notes - Bibliography - Acknowledgments - Index

A chronological compilation of both famous and unfamiliar Indian speeches from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. A collection of American Indian oratory from the 17th to the 20th century, concentrating on speeches focusing around Indian-white relationships, especially treaty-making negotiations.


Speeches, addresses, etc., American --Indian authors
Indians of North America--History--Sources
Indians of North America--Intellectual life--Sources

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