Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Thoreau, Henry David frey50

"In Wildness is the Presersvation of the World" from Henry David Thoreau ; selections & photographs by Eliot Porter ; introduction by Joseph Wood Krutch. - San Francisco Sierra Club Books 1962 - unpaginated col. ill. ; 34 cm.

A stunning presentation of one of America's leading photographers and artistic pioneers, this is Eliot Porter's interpretation of the works of Henry Thoreauin a paperback edition of one of the most famous and bestselling Sierra Club Exhibit Format Books.

0871566109 (pbk.) :

Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862 --Quotations.

Nature--Quotations, maxims, etc.
Wilderness areas--Quotations, maxims, etc.
Nature--Pictorial works.
Wilderness areas--Pictorial works.

818.302 Tho 14