Hemingway, Ernest frey50
By - Line : By-line: Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway; Edited by William White - New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1967 - 489 p.
Includes index
Reporting (1920-1924) -- Esquire (1933-1936) -- Spanish Civil War (1937-1939) -- World War II -- After the wars (1949-1956).
Contains Hemingway's work as a reporter, spanning the years 1920-1956. These articles show the raw material used to form many of his literary creations.
Hemingway, Ernest 1899-1961
War correspondents
Reporters and reporting
World War--Press coverage--1939-1945
818.5 Hem 14
By - Line : By-line: Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway; Edited by William White - New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1967 - 489 p.
Includes index
Reporting (1920-1924) -- Esquire (1933-1936) -- Spanish Civil War (1937-1939) -- World War II -- After the wars (1949-1956).
Contains Hemingway's work as a reporter, spanning the years 1920-1956. These articles show the raw material used to form many of his literary creations.
Hemingway, Ernest 1899-1961
War correspondents
Reporters and reporting
World War--Press coverage--1939-1945
818.5 Hem 14