Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

20160731 frey50

The world's famous orations Rome 218 B.C. -- 84 A.D. Edited by William Jennings Bryan and Francis W. Halsey - New York Funk and Wagnalls Company 1906 - 255 pages - The World's famous orations Vol. 2 .

To his army before battle (218 B.C.) / Publius Cornelius Scipio -- Address to his soldiers (218 B.C.) / Hannibal -- In support of the Oppian law (215 B.C.) / Cato the Censor -- To his mutinous troops (203 B.C.) / Scipio Africanus Major -- Fragments (about 133 B.C.) / by Tiberius Gracchus -- Frgments (about 122 B.C.) / by Caius Gracchus -- On a corrupt oligarchy (about 110 B.C.) / Caius Memmius -- On being accused of a low origin (106 B.C.) / Caius Marius -- The first oration against Verres (70 B.C.) / Cicero -- In opposition to a new agrarian law (61 B.C.) / Cicero -- The first oration against Catiline (63 B.C.) / Cicero -- The second oration against Catiline (63 B.C.) / Cicero -- In behalf of Archias the Poet (61 B.C.) / Cicero -- The first oration against Mark Antony (44 B.C.) / Cicero -- The second oration against Mark Antony (44 B.C.) / Cicero -- His oration over the dead body of Caesar (44 B.C.) / Mark Antony -- An exhortation to conspiracy (63 B.C.) / Catiline -- To his army before his defeat in battle (63 B.C.) / Catiline -- On the punishment of the Catiline conspirators (63 B.C.) / Julius Caesar -- On the punishment of the Cataline conspirators (63 B.C.) / Cato the Younger -- To his mutinous troops (14 A.D.) / Germanicus -- To his friends when dying (19 A.D.) / Germanicus -- To Nero when in disfavor (62 A.D.) / Seneca -- On becoming emperor (69 A.D.) / Otho -- To his soldiers in Rome (69 A.D.) / Otho -- To his soldiers before committing suicide (69 A.D.) / Otho -- To his army in Scotland (84 A.D.) / Agricola.

Speeches, addresses, etc.

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