Prichett, Victor Swadefrey50
The Gentle Barbarian: The Life and Work of Turgenev by Victor Swaden Pritchett - New York Random House 1977 - 243 p.
V.S. Pritchett, our foremost contemporary literary critic, himself a master of the short story, considers Turgenev's writing in depth, offering new insights into such works as A Month in the Country, First Love, Torrents of Spring, A Nest of Gentlefolk, Smoke, and of course, Turgenev's masterpiece, Fathers and Sons. The Gentle Barbarian is the work of one literary master about another; Pritchett's interpretation of his subject is at once subtle and charming, intimate and profound. - Jacket.
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich 1818-1883 Biography
Aurthors, Russian Biography --19th Century
891.733 Pri 14
The Gentle Barbarian: The Life and Work of Turgenev by Victor Swaden Pritchett - New York Random House 1977 - 243 p.
V.S. Pritchett, our foremost contemporary literary critic, himself a master of the short story, considers Turgenev's writing in depth, offering new insights into such works as A Month in the Country, First Love, Torrents of Spring, A Nest of Gentlefolk, Smoke, and of course, Turgenev's masterpiece, Fathers and Sons. The Gentle Barbarian is the work of one literary master about another; Pritchett's interpretation of his subject is at once subtle and charming, intimate and profound. - Jacket.
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich 1818-1883 Biography
Aurthors, Russian Biography --19th Century
891.733 Pri 14