Vacca, Roberto frey50
The coming dark age by Roberto Vacca; Translated from the Italian by J.S. Whale - Garden City, New York Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1973 - 221 p.
Introduction -- Reaching the Knee of the Curve -- Is a Halt to expansion unlikey? -- Large system and their engineering -- Large systems getting out of control -- The powerless electricians
Technology and civilization
Civilization, Modern --1950-
909.82 Vac 15
The coming dark age by Roberto Vacca; Translated from the Italian by J.S. Whale - Garden City, New York Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1973 - 221 p.
Introduction -- Reaching the Knee of the Curve -- Is a Halt to expansion unlikey? -- Large system and their engineering -- Large systems getting out of control -- The powerless electricians
Technology and civilization
Civilization, Modern --1950-
909.82 Vac 15