Whipple, Amiel Weeks
The Whipple Report journal of an expedition from San Diego, California, to the Rio Colorado, from Sept. 11 to Dec. 11, 1849 by A.W. Whipple; Introduction E.I. Edwards - Los Angeles, California Westernlore Press 1961 - 100 p.
Includes Index and Bibliography
The Colorado River, near Yuma -- Earliest View of Camp Yuma -- A Painted Yuma Warrior -- Yuma Warriors -- Yuma Man and Wife -- Ancient Yuma Indians
In September of 1849, shortly after the close of hostilities in the Mexican War, two promising young army officers were jointly tendered a difficult military assignment. The two young men were Cave J. Couts and Lieutenant Amiel Weeks Whipple, and their assignment was the task of running the new international boundary line in the vicinity of the the Gila and Colorado rivers and in accordance with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Their portion of the great Boundary Survey was considered one of the most difficult segments. Whipple was the engineer in charge. Couts and his soldiers were to guard the military engineers from the hostile Yumas.
-- Southwest, New.
-- Description and travel.
917.9 Whi 15
The Whipple Report journal of an expedition from San Diego, California, to the Rio Colorado, from Sept. 11 to Dec. 11, 1849 by A.W. Whipple; Introduction E.I. Edwards - Los Angeles, California Westernlore Press 1961 - 100 p.
Includes Index and Bibliography
The Colorado River, near Yuma -- Earliest View of Camp Yuma -- A Painted Yuma Warrior -- Yuma Warriors -- Yuma Man and Wife -- Ancient Yuma Indians
In September of 1849, shortly after the close of hostilities in the Mexican War, two promising young army officers were jointly tendered a difficult military assignment. The two young men were Cave J. Couts and Lieutenant Amiel Weeks Whipple, and their assignment was the task of running the new international boundary line in the vicinity of the the Gila and Colorado rivers and in accordance with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Their portion of the great Boundary Survey was considered one of the most difficult segments. Whipple was the engineer in charge. Couts and his soldiers were to guard the military engineers from the hostile Yumas.
-- Southwest, New.
-- Description and travel.
917.9 Whi 15