Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Tombs, graves and mummies 50 discoveries in world archaeology Tombs, graves & mummies editor, Paul G. Bahn. - New York : Barnes & Noble, 1996. - 213 p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm.

Includes Bibliography and index

BONES: 1. Lucy: Our Most Famous Relative --
2. The Turkana Boy --
3. Before the Neanderthals: The First Europeans --
4. Peking and Java Man: Early Humans in Eastern Asia --
5. Earliest Australians --
6. Human Sacrifice at Archanes-Anemospilia --
GRAVES: 7. The Puzzle of Neanderthal Burial --
8. Late Ice Age Burials of Eurasia --
9. Jericho Skulls --
10. La Chaussee-Tirancourt --
11. The Talheim Neolithic Mass Burial --
12. Mass Burials in North America --
13. Mass Graves: Visby and East Smithfield --
14. The Tragic End of the Romanovs --
CEMETERIES: 15. Scandinavian Mesolithic Burials --
16. Murray Valley Cemeteries --
17. The Royal Cemetery at Ur --
18. The Cemetery at Khok Phanom Di --
19. Battle Cemeteries --
20. The Paracas Necropolis --
21. The Temple of Quetzalcoatl at Teotihuacan --
22. Ingombe Ilede --
23. Voices of the Seventh Cavalry.

TOMBS: 24. The Shaft Graves of Mycenae --
25. Danish Bronze Age Log Coffin Burials --
26. Tombs in the Persian Gulf --
27. Klasies River Mouth Cave --
28. Hochdorf --
29. Philip of Macedon --
30. Royal Burials of Early Imperial China --
31. The Lords of Sipan --
32. Monte Alban, Tomb --
33. The Tomb of Pacal at Palenque --
34. Igbo-Ukwu --
35. Early Pacific Islanders --
CORPSES: 36. Discovering the Origins of New World Humans --
37. The Iceman --
38. Pazyryk and the Ukok Princess --
39. Lost Caucasoids of the Tarim Basin --
40. Herculaneum and Pompeii --
41. Inka Mountain Sacrifices --
42. Bog Bodies of Britain and Denmark --
43. The Franklin Expedition --
44. Mummies in the Far North --
MUMMIES: 45. Chinchorro-The Oldest Mummies in the World --
46. Making Mummies --
47. Mummies and Medicine --
48. The Deir El-Bahri Cache --
49. The Family of Tutankhamen --
50. The Mummies of Northern Fujiwara.

Few kinds of evidence are more evocative tan human remains - whether mummified, fossilized, or simply preserved as askulls and skeletons in burial sites the world over. Graves are a planned disposal of the dead that can conjure up the very world our ancestors inhabited, while the method of burial sheds light on belief and ritual. In exceptional circumtances, the dead can remain virtually intact, and provide a mine of informations about their diet, health, genetic makeup and the cause of their death. Exploring fifty of the world's best documented sites of bodies and graves, we enter the past through fifty different doors, and find a mine of fascinating information.

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Human remains (Archaeology)

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