Hackett, Francis
Henry the eighth / Francis Hackett - New York Horace Liveright Inc. 1929 - ix, 452 p.
Henry's boyhood --
Henry and Catherine --
Anne Boleyn --
Jane Seymour --
Anne of Cleves --
Katheryn Howard --
Katharine Parr --
The background.
The story of Henry the Eighth who became heir to the throne when he was not yet quite eleven years old. Henry VIII is one of the most famous and controversial kings of England. His fickle passions and demand for a male heir led him to marry six different women. Henry's divorce from his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, led to his split with the Catholic Church and set the stage for the English Reformation and for religious battles which lasted for centuries. Henry VIII was the father of Elizabeth I, who became one of England's most powerful and longest-reigning monarchs. He was succeeded by his son, Edward VI, born to Jane Seymour.
Henry VIII, King of England 1491-1547
Kings and Rulers--England
942.05 Hac 15
Henry the eighth / Francis Hackett - New York Horace Liveright Inc. 1929 - ix, 452 p.
Henry's boyhood --
Henry and Catherine --
Anne Boleyn --
Jane Seymour --
Anne of Cleves --
Katheryn Howard --
Katharine Parr --
The background.
The story of Henry the Eighth who became heir to the throne when he was not yet quite eleven years old. Henry VIII is one of the most famous and controversial kings of England. His fickle passions and demand for a male heir led him to marry six different women. Henry's divorce from his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, led to his split with the Catholic Church and set the stage for the English Reformation and for religious battles which lasted for centuries. Henry VIII was the father of Elizabeth I, who became one of England's most powerful and longest-reigning monarchs. He was succeeded by his son, Edward VI, born to Jane Seymour.
Henry VIII, King of England 1491-1547
Kings and Rulers--England
942.05 Hac 15