Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Nordstrom, Byron J.

Scandinavia since 1500 Byron J. Nordstrom. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2000. - xii, 393 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.

Includes Index and Bibliography

Scandinavia before the modern era -- age of transformations -- Absolutism and empire -- Early modern societies -- Politics and diplomacy in the Age of the Enlightenment -- Tradition and reform : societies in transition -- On the periphery : Finland, Norway, the Faeroe Islands, and Iceland -- era of the Napoleonic Wars -- Nationalism -- road to political democracy -- New economies and new societies -- World War I and the interwar years -- Norden and World War II -- contemporary era : Norden since 1945. 1. 2. An 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The 9. 10. The 11. 12. 13. 14. The

Structuring his history along the lines of traditional European chronology-Renaissance, Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary periods-Byron J. Nordstrom brings a twentieth-century perspective to his work. He shows how religions, political ideas, economic practices, intellectual movements, and technological innovations have come to Scandinavia from abroad only to be modified and recast in a uniquely Nordic character. Among the many topics he examines are Gustav II's military reforms, Danish absolutism, the constitutions of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Scandinavian modern design, management techniques and shopfloor production strategies, and the welfare state. --From publisher's description.

0816620989 (acid-free paper) 9780816620982 (acid-free paper) 0816620997 (pbk : acid-free paper) 9780816620999 (pbk : acid-free paper)




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