Russ, Martin
The last parallel a marine's war journal - New York Rinehart & Company, Inc. 1957 - 333 p
Camp Pendleton --
En route --
1st Ordnance Battalion --
76 Alley --
Camp Rose --
Camp Myers --
Bunker Hill Outpost --
Hill 229 --
Camp Guyal --
The truce.
Nothing can truly prepare you for the horrors of war…
Martin Russ of the US Marine Corps tells his own story of being on the front lines during the war.
--Korean War, 1950-1953
951.9 Rus 15
The last parallel a marine's war journal - New York Rinehart & Company, Inc. 1957 - 333 p
Camp Pendleton --
En route --
1st Ordnance Battalion --
76 Alley --
Camp Rose --
Camp Myers --
Bunker Hill Outpost --
Hill 229 --
Camp Guyal --
The truce.
Nothing can truly prepare you for the horrors of war…
Martin Russ of the US Marine Corps tells his own story of being on the front lines during the war.
--Korean War, 1950-1953
951.9 Rus 15