Powell, John Wesley
Tenth annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1888-'89 John Wesley Powell - Washington, DC Goverment Printing office 1893 - 822 p - Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology1888-'89 10th .
Report of the director / J.W. Powell --
Picture-writing of the American Indians / Garrick Mallery.
Indians of North America
Picture-writing, Indian
970.65 Pow 15
Tenth annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1888-'89 John Wesley Powell - Washington, DC Goverment Printing office 1893 - 822 p - Annual report of the Bureau of Ethnology1888-'89 10th .
Report of the director / J.W. Powell --
Picture-writing of the American Indians / Garrick Mallery.
Indians of North America
Picture-writing, Indian
970.65 Pow 15