Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Thrapp, Dan L.

The conquest of Apacheria Dan L. Thrapp - Norman, OK University of Oklahoma Press 1967 - 405 p

The saga of Bill Rood --
The conflict begins --
Civilians take a hand --
The Walapais War --
The hunting of Big Rump --
Death of Howard Cushing --
The Whitman Affair --
Crook takes over --
Raids and punishment --
The offensive begins --
The offensive concludes --
Lieutenant Almy --
The renegades destroyed --
John Clum takes over --
Victorio! --
Nana's Raid --
Cibieu --
Loco --
Dry wash and Crook again --
A new raid --
The Mexican adventure --
Who captured whom-or, did Geronimo take Crook? --
Ka-ya-ten-nae --
Geronimo-1 --
Geronimo-2 --

The conquest of Apacheria is an epic of heroism, mixed with chicanery, misunderstanding, and tragedy, on both sides. The author's account of this important segment of Western American history includes the Walapais War, an eyewitness report on the death of the gallant lieutenant Howard B. Cushing, the famous Camp Grant Massacre, Butterfield Station, The Battle of Apache Pass, the Bascom Affair, General Crook?s offensive in Apacheria and his difficulties with General Miles, and the formidable Apache leaders, including Cochise, Delshay, Big Rump, Chunz, Chan-deisi, Victorio, and Geronimo.


Apache Indians
Territorial expansion
History--Southwest, New

--Territorial expansion

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