Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Tanner, Ogden

The Ranchers Print Ogden Tanner - Alexandria, VA Time-Life Books 1977 - 240 p. Index; Color and black & white photographs and illustrations. Hardbound book. - The Old West .

Includes Index and Bibliography

Life carved out of the plains --
Battling the odds and the elements --
Wave of woollybacks --
War over land and water --
Bluebloods and big money in the Badlands --
"Behold our ditches!" --

Describes in text and illustrations the development of large ranches in the western plains, the impact of these establishments on the economy of the area, their organization, and some famous ranches and their owners.


Ranchers --History--United States
United States --Old West
Frontier and pioneer life --West (U.S.)

978.02 Tan 15