Church, Peggy Pond frey50
House at Otowi Bridge: The story of Edith Warner and Los Alamos / Peggy Pond Church - Albuquerque, NM University of New Mexico Press 1959 - 149 p. B&w illus., appendix, b&w photo in front of book
This is the story of Edith Warner, a shy spinster, who lived in a house by the bridge to Los Alamos. The scientists who worked at Los Alamos became her friends, some of the great minds of the world dined at her table regularly. Her house became a sanctuary for them in the tense war years before Hiroshima.
60 - 13408
Edith Warner
Social life Los Alamos, NM --WWII
Pajarito Plateau
R921 Chu 4
House at Otowi Bridge: The story of Edith Warner and Los Alamos / Peggy Pond Church - Albuquerque, NM University of New Mexico Press 1959 - 149 p. B&w illus., appendix, b&w photo in front of book
This is the story of Edith Warner, a shy spinster, who lived in a house by the bridge to Los Alamos. The scientists who worked at Los Alamos became her friends, some of the great minds of the world dined at her table regularly. Her house became a sanctuary for them in the tense war years before Hiroshima.
60 - 13408
Edith Warner
Social life Los Alamos, NM --WWII
Pajarito Plateau
R921 Chu 4