Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Spanish explorations in America from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century Edited by Justin Winsor - Boston, Mass Houghton Mifflin and Company 1889 - 640 p. - Narrative and critical history of America Volume II .

Columbus and his discoveries / Justin Winsor --
Amerigo Vespucci / Sydney Howard Gay --
The companions of Columbus / Edward Channing --
Ancient Florida / John G. Shea --
Las Casas, and the relations of the Spaniards to the Indians / George E. Ellis --
Cortes and his companions / Justin Winsor --
Early exploration of New Mexico / Henry W. Haynes --
Pizarro and the conquest and settlement of Peru and Chili / Clements R. Markham --
Magellan's discovery / Edward E. Hale.

Discoveries in geography.--America
Discovery and exploration.--America

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