Lauber, Patricia
Cowboys & Cattle Ranching Yesterday & Today Lauber, Patricia - New York Thomas Y. Crowell Company 1973 - 148 p.
A history of the American cowboy and how he changed with the coming of barbed wire, railroads, and homesteaders. Also describes modern cattle ranching.
Cowboys--Juvenile literature
Cattle trade--Juvenile literature
The West--Juvenile literature
j917.8032 Lau 29
Cowboys & Cattle Ranching Yesterday & Today Lauber, Patricia - New York Thomas Y. Crowell Company 1973 - 148 p.
A history of the American cowboy and how he changed with the coming of barbed wire, railroads, and homesteaders. Also describes modern cattle ranching.
Cowboys--Juvenile literature
Cattle trade--Juvenile literature
The West--Juvenile literature
j917.8032 Lau 29