Caulkins, Janet frey50
The Picture Life of Mikhail Gorbachev Janet Caulkins - New York Franklin Watts 1985 - p.47
Includes index
An illustrated biography of the new leader of the Soviet Union including a chronology of important dates in his life and a glossary of Soviet political words.
Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich 1931- --Portraits, caricatures, Etc--Juvenile literature
Heads of State Soviet Union/ Biography --Juvenile literature
j947.08540924 Cau 29
The Picture Life of Mikhail Gorbachev Janet Caulkins - New York Franklin Watts 1985 - p.47
Includes index
An illustrated biography of the new leader of the Soviet Union including a chronology of important dates in his life and a glossary of Soviet political words.
Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich 1931- --Portraits, caricatures, Etc--Juvenile literature
Heads of State Soviet Union/ Biography --Juvenile literature
j947.08540924 Cau 29