Von Hagen, Victor W.
Maya; Land of the Turkey and the Deer Victor W. von Hagen; Illustrated by Alberto Beltran - Cleveland World Publishing Company 1960 - 127 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Recreates Mayan life as it was before the coming of the Spaniards including its history, culture, and achievements.
Mayas--Social life and customs
j972.015 Von 29
Maya; Land of the Turkey and the Deer Victor W. von Hagen; Illustrated by Alberto Beltran - Cleveland World Publishing Company 1960 - 127 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Recreates Mayan life as it was before the coming of the Spaniards including its history, culture, and achievements.
Mayas--Social life and customs
j972.015 Von 29