Kohara, Kazuno
The Midnight Library Kazuno Kohara - First Square Fish edition - New York, NY Square Fish 2022 - 24 unnumbered pages : colour illustrations ; 25 cm
"Once there was a library that only opened at night. Step inside and meet the little librarian and her three assistant owls"--
9781685055967 1685055966
Libraries--Pictorial works--Juvenile fiction.
Books and reading--Pictorial works--Juvenile fiction.
Animals--Pictorial works--Juvenile fiction.
Books and reading.
jKoh 16
The Midnight Library Kazuno Kohara - First Square Fish edition - New York, NY Square Fish 2022 - 24 unnumbered pages : colour illustrations ; 25 cm
"Once there was a library that only opened at night. Step inside and meet the little librarian and her three assistant owls"--
9781685055967 1685055966
Libraries--Pictorial works--Juvenile fiction.
Books and reading--Pictorial works--Juvenile fiction.
Animals--Pictorial works--Juvenile fiction.
Books and reading.
jKoh 16