20160731 frey50
Conserving the environment / Laura K. Egendorf, book editor. - San Diego, CA : Greenhaven Press, c1999. - 208 p. ; 25 cm. - Current controversies .
The environment is deteriorating / Lester Brown -- Capitalism has worsened the environment / The People -- Global warming is a serious problem / Darren Goetze -- Environmental change poses a threat to food production / Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich -- Some journalists understate the environmental crisis / Ron Nixon -- The environment is improving / The Economist -- The threat of global warming has been exaggerated / Robert C. Balling Jr. -- Environmental scarcity is a myth / Stephen Budiansky -- The media exaggerate environmental crises / Alan Caruba -- Preserving biodiversity: an overview / Kenneth Jost -- Biodiversity should be preserved / David Langhorst -- Preserving biodiversity is a Jewish obligation / Bradley Shavit Artson -- Humans should not be indifferent toward other species / Ed Ayres -- Efforts to save endangered species are unfairly criticized / Heather Abel --Attempting to save every species is expensive and impractical / Ike C. Sugg -- Belief in biodiversity is dangerous / Alston Chase -- Attempts to preserve species endanger human safety and property / Roger B. Canfield -- Environmentalists overstate the importance of certain species / David Andrew Price -- Stronger air-pollution standards are needed / Jeffrey St. Clair -- The Federal Government's air-quality standards are too stringent / James M. Inhofe -- Electric cars reduce air pollution / Robert W. Benson -- Electric cars are costly and may not reduce pollution/ Lawrence W. Reed -- The Clean Water Act has improved America's rivers and lakes / Paul Schneider -- Additional government programs are not the correct response to water pollution / Alex Annett -- The efforts of citizens can reduce water pollution / Donella Meadows -- Natural remedies can be used to clean up toxic waste / Kara Villamil -- Free-market environmentalism can protect the environment / Collette Ridgeway -- Green marketing can help conserve the environment / Hector R. Lozada and Alma T. Mintu-Wimsatt -- Ecotourism will protect the environment / John Whiteman -- Environmental regulations infringe on property rights / Sigfredo A. Cabrera -- Environmental regulations are necessary / David Malin Roodman -- Emissions trading does not protect the environment / Brian Tokar -- Overreliance on Green products cannot protect the environment / Nina Rao -- The free-market system harms the environment / Vandana Shiva.
1565109511 9781565109513 1565109503 (pbk. : alk. paper) 9781565109506 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Environmental management.
Environmental protection.
y333.72 Con 52
Conserving the environment / Laura K. Egendorf, book editor. - San Diego, CA : Greenhaven Press, c1999. - 208 p. ; 25 cm. - Current controversies .
The environment is deteriorating / Lester Brown -- Capitalism has worsened the environment / The People -- Global warming is a serious problem / Darren Goetze -- Environmental change poses a threat to food production / Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich -- Some journalists understate the environmental crisis / Ron Nixon -- The environment is improving / The Economist -- The threat of global warming has been exaggerated / Robert C. Balling Jr. -- Environmental scarcity is a myth / Stephen Budiansky -- The media exaggerate environmental crises / Alan Caruba -- Preserving biodiversity: an overview / Kenneth Jost -- Biodiversity should be preserved / David Langhorst -- Preserving biodiversity is a Jewish obligation / Bradley Shavit Artson -- Humans should not be indifferent toward other species / Ed Ayres -- Efforts to save endangered species are unfairly criticized / Heather Abel --Attempting to save every species is expensive and impractical / Ike C. Sugg -- Belief in biodiversity is dangerous / Alston Chase -- Attempts to preserve species endanger human safety and property / Roger B. Canfield -- Environmentalists overstate the importance of certain species / David Andrew Price -- Stronger air-pollution standards are needed / Jeffrey St. Clair -- The Federal Government's air-quality standards are too stringent / James M. Inhofe -- Electric cars reduce air pollution / Robert W. Benson -- Electric cars are costly and may not reduce pollution/ Lawrence W. Reed -- The Clean Water Act has improved America's rivers and lakes / Paul Schneider -- Additional government programs are not the correct response to water pollution / Alex Annett -- The efforts of citizens can reduce water pollution / Donella Meadows -- Natural remedies can be used to clean up toxic waste / Kara Villamil -- Free-market environmentalism can protect the environment / Collette Ridgeway -- Green marketing can help conserve the environment / Hector R. Lozada and Alma T. Mintu-Wimsatt -- Ecotourism will protect the environment / John Whiteman -- Environmental regulations infringe on property rights / Sigfredo A. Cabrera -- Environmental regulations are necessary / David Malin Roodman -- Emissions trading does not protect the environment / Brian Tokar -- Overreliance on Green products cannot protect the environment / Nina Rao -- The free-market system harms the environment / Vandana Shiva.
1565109511 9781565109513 1565109503 (pbk. : alk. paper) 9781565109506 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Environmental management.
Environmental protection.
y333.72 Con 52