20160731 frey50
Cybercrime Noah Berlatsky, book editor. - 209 pages illustrations, maps 23 cm. - Global viewpoints . - .
Vulnerability to cybercrime - Increased internet access in South Africa makes it more vulnerable to cybercrime / In Singapore, young adult males are especially vulnerable to cybercrime / Women are especially vulnerable to cybercrime in Pakistan / Cybercrime concerns grow in China / Canadian banks look to insurance to decrease vulnerability to cybercrime / Law and cybercrime -- Thailand's cybercrime law stifles freedom of speech / France's cybercrime laws may threaten Internet freedom / Iraq's cybercrime law stifles freedom of speech / Weak Ukrainian laws allow cybercrime to proliferate / Weak laws in Nigeria allow cybercrime to proliferate / In Australia, combating cybercrime should begin by supporting and funding existing organizations / Organized crime and cybercrime -- Russian cybercrime thrives as Soviet-era schools spawn hackers / Worldwide, cybercrime is committed by organized crime members, not by hackers / In Mexico, drug cartels are moving into cybercrime / In India, cybercrime is becoming increasingly organized and professional / Eastern European organized cybercrime rings prey on victims worldwide -- g ch. 4: Cyber espionage and cyberterrorism -- Worldwide, state-supported cyber espionage is a growing danger / The United States and Israel launched a cyber attack upon Iran / Tibetan exiles may be the target of Chinese cyber espionage / The United Kingdom may be targeted by cyberterrorists / Charles Goredema -- Ellyne Phneah -- Zofeen Ebrahim -- Kathrin Hille -- John Greenwood -- g ch. 2: Lynette Lee Corporal -- Stefan Simons -- Human Rights Watch -- Yuriy Onyshkiv -- David Ashaolu -- Stilgherrian -- g ch. 3: Anastasia Ustinova -- John Leyden -- Infosec Institute -- Priyanka Joshi -- Economist -- Joby Warrick -- Information Warfare Monitor -- Imran Awan. Ch. 1:
Examines the issue of cybercrime from a variety of international perspectives.
9780737769067 (hardcover) 0737769068 (hardcover) 9780737769074 (pbk.) 0737769076 (pbk.)
Computer crimes.
Computer crimes.
Computer crimes.
y364.168 Cyb 52
Cybercrime Noah Berlatsky, book editor. - 209 pages illustrations, maps 23 cm. - Global viewpoints . - .
Vulnerability to cybercrime - Increased internet access in South Africa makes it more vulnerable to cybercrime / In Singapore, young adult males are especially vulnerable to cybercrime / Women are especially vulnerable to cybercrime in Pakistan / Cybercrime concerns grow in China / Canadian banks look to insurance to decrease vulnerability to cybercrime / Law and cybercrime -- Thailand's cybercrime law stifles freedom of speech / France's cybercrime laws may threaten Internet freedom / Iraq's cybercrime law stifles freedom of speech / Weak Ukrainian laws allow cybercrime to proliferate / Weak laws in Nigeria allow cybercrime to proliferate / In Australia, combating cybercrime should begin by supporting and funding existing organizations / Organized crime and cybercrime -- Russian cybercrime thrives as Soviet-era schools spawn hackers / Worldwide, cybercrime is committed by organized crime members, not by hackers / In Mexico, drug cartels are moving into cybercrime / In India, cybercrime is becoming increasingly organized and professional / Eastern European organized cybercrime rings prey on victims worldwide -- g ch. 4: Cyber espionage and cyberterrorism -- Worldwide, state-supported cyber espionage is a growing danger / The United States and Israel launched a cyber attack upon Iran / Tibetan exiles may be the target of Chinese cyber espionage / The United Kingdom may be targeted by cyberterrorists / Charles Goredema -- Ellyne Phneah -- Zofeen Ebrahim -- Kathrin Hille -- John Greenwood -- g ch. 2: Lynette Lee Corporal -- Stefan Simons -- Human Rights Watch -- Yuriy Onyshkiv -- David Ashaolu -- Stilgherrian -- g ch. 3: Anastasia Ustinova -- John Leyden -- Infosec Institute -- Priyanka Joshi -- Economist -- Joby Warrick -- Information Warfare Monitor -- Imran Awan. Ch. 1:
Examines the issue of cybercrime from a variety of international perspectives.
9780737769067 (hardcover) 0737769068 (hardcover) 9780737769074 (pbk.) 0737769076 (pbk.)
Computer crimes.
Computer crimes.
Computer crimes.
y364.168 Cyb 52