Pimlott, John
The Cold War Conflict in the 20th Century by John Pimlott - New York Franklin Watts 1987 - 62 p.
Includes Index
Chapter 1: The superpower divide, 1945-62 -- Chapter 2: Detente and the New Cold War -- Chapter 3 The nuclear backcloth -- Chapter 4 -- NATO and the Warsaw Pact -- Appendices -- Index -- Glossary
y940.55 Pim / 15
y940.55 Pim
The Cold War Conflict in the 20th Century by John Pimlott - New York Franklin Watts 1987 - 62 p.
Includes Index
Chapter 1: The superpower divide, 1945-62 -- Chapter 2: Detente and the New Cold War -- Chapter 3 The nuclear backcloth -- Chapter 4 -- NATO and the Warsaw Pact -- Appendices -- Index -- Glossary
y940.55 Pim / 15
y940.55 Pim