Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

McGregor, Jon

Reservoir 13 Reservoir thirteen Jon McGregor. - New York Catapult 2017 - 291 pages ; 21 cm

A teenage girl has gone missing and everyone is called upon to join the search. The villagers fan out across the English moors as the police set up roadblocks and news reporters descend. Meanwhile, there is still work that must be done: cows milked, fences repaired, stone cut, pints poured, sermons written, a pantomime rehearsed. As the seasons unfold and the search for the missing girl goes on, there are those who leave the village and those who are pulled back; those who come together and those who break apart.

9781936787708 1936787709


Missing children--Fiction.
Country life--Fiction.
Fiction / Family Life.
Fiction / Literary.
Fiction / Small Town & Rural.


PR6113.C48 / R47 2017

McG 2