Donne, John frey50
Donne by John Donne, Edited by Richard Wilbur; Selected by Andrews Wanning - New York Dell Publishing Company, Inc 1962 - 192 p.
Introduction- Bibliography - Chronology - Songs and sonets - The good morrow; Song ("Goe, and catche"); Womans constancy; The undertaking; the sunne rising; The indifferent; Loves usury; The Canonization; The triple foole; Lovers infinitenesse; Song ("Sweetes Love"); The legacie; A feaver; Aire and Angels; Breake of day; The anniversarie; A valediction: of my name, in the window; Twicknam garden; A Valediction: of the booke; Communitie; Loves growth; Loves exchange; Confined love; The dreame; A valedicion: of weeping; Loves Alchymie; The flea; The curse; The message; A nocturnall upon S. Lucies day, being the shortest day; Witchcraft by a picture; The baite; The apparition; The broken heart; A valediciton: forbidding mourning; the extasie; Love deitie; Loves diet; the will; The funerall; The blossome; The Primrose, being at mountgomery castle, upon the hill, on which it is situate; The relique; The dampe; The dissolution; A jeat ring sent; Negative love; The prohibition; the epiration; The computation; The paradox; Farewell to love; A lecture upon the shadow -- Epigrams -- A lame begger; A slefe accuser; A licentious person; Antiquary; Phryne; Klockius; Raderus -- Elegies -- I. Jealosie; VII "Natures lay ideot"; IX The autumnall; X The dreame; XII His parting from her; On his mistris; XVI On his mistris; XVIII Loves progress; XIX Going to bed -- Epithalamion -- Epithalamion made at Lincolnes inne -- Satyre -- III "Kinde pitty chokes my spleen" -- Letters to severall personages -- The storme; The calme; To Sir Henry Wotton ("Sir, more than kissis"); H. W. in Hiber: belligeranti; To sire Edward Herbert, at Julyers ("man is a lumpe"); To Mr. T.W. ("Hast thee harsh verse") -- Anniversaries -- An anatomie of the world: The first Anniversary; Of the progresse of the soule: the second anniversary -- Divine poems -- La Corona; Holy Sonnets; A litanie; The crosse; Upon the annuciation and passion falling upon one day 1608; Goodfriday, 1613. Riding westward; To Mr. Tilman after he had taken orders; A hymne to Christ, at the authors last going into Germany; Hymne to God my God, in my sickness; A hymne to God the Father; Notes
Donne, John 1572-1631
English poetry Early modern -- 1500-1700
821 Don 14
Donne by John Donne, Edited by Richard Wilbur; Selected by Andrews Wanning - New York Dell Publishing Company, Inc 1962 - 192 p.
Introduction- Bibliography - Chronology - Songs and sonets - The good morrow; Song ("Goe, and catche"); Womans constancy; The undertaking; the sunne rising; The indifferent; Loves usury; The Canonization; The triple foole; Lovers infinitenesse; Song ("Sweetes Love"); The legacie; A feaver; Aire and Angels; Breake of day; The anniversarie; A valediction: of my name, in the window; Twicknam garden; A Valediction: of the booke; Communitie; Loves growth; Loves exchange; Confined love; The dreame; A valedicion: of weeping; Loves Alchymie; The flea; The curse; The message; A nocturnall upon S. Lucies day, being the shortest day; Witchcraft by a picture; The baite; The apparition; The broken heart; A valediciton: forbidding mourning; the extasie; Love deitie; Loves diet; the will; The funerall; The blossome; The Primrose, being at mountgomery castle, upon the hill, on which it is situate; The relique; The dampe; The dissolution; A jeat ring sent; Negative love; The prohibition; the epiration; The computation; The paradox; Farewell to love; A lecture upon the shadow -- Epigrams -- A lame begger; A slefe accuser; A licentious person; Antiquary; Phryne; Klockius; Raderus -- Elegies -- I. Jealosie; VII "Natures lay ideot"; IX The autumnall; X The dreame; XII His parting from her; On his mistris; XVI On his mistris; XVIII Loves progress; XIX Going to bed -- Epithalamion -- Epithalamion made at Lincolnes inne -- Satyre -- III "Kinde pitty chokes my spleen" -- Letters to severall personages -- The storme; The calme; To Sir Henry Wotton ("Sir, more than kissis"); H. W. in Hiber: belligeranti; To sire Edward Herbert, at Julyers ("man is a lumpe"); To Mr. T.W. ("Hast thee harsh verse") -- Anniversaries -- An anatomie of the world: The first Anniversary; Of the progresse of the soule: the second anniversary -- Divine poems -- La Corona; Holy Sonnets; A litanie; The crosse; Upon the annuciation and passion falling upon one day 1608; Goodfriday, 1613. Riding westward; To Mr. Tilman after he had taken orders; A hymne to Christ, at the authors last going into Germany; Hymne to God my God, in my sickness; A hymne to God the Father; Notes
Donne, John 1572-1631
English poetry Early modern -- 1500-1700
821 Don 14